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Pro Tip Recommendations

Updated: Dec 21, 2023

A bouquet of white flowers carefully placed on wooden floor

As a professional makeup artist, part of my job, is to be able to give you the very best advice on all things that will make you look and feel your very best self. It would be very wrong of me not to let you in on the secrets of why Sienna Miller and Penelope Cruz always look their healthiest best on and off camera. They are both clients of Dr Nigma Talib - “world renowned naturopathic doctor, estetician, and leading authority on holistic health and skin-care.” Her book, Reverse The Signs Of Ageing will make you look you and feel the very best you can. Its an easy read, packed with well-being and beauty secrets and some delicious science. I stuck to a plan for four weeks of no alcohol, no wheat, no sugar, no dairy, and while I’m not actually allergic to any of these, I never looked so good in my life! Beauty really does starts in your gut! Now, having slipped back into my old wiggly waggly ways I can see the difference too, especially over the Covid Christmas and that’s OK, being women, we are all full time super heroes and part time goddesses and thats just brilliant!

I highly recommend this read for anyone looking to look extra in their life and live well!



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